246 Bridge Rd
Richmond 3121
03 9427 8848

Anxiety & Mental Health
Anxiety disorders are common mental health problems that affect many people.
Approximately 25% of the population will have an anxiety disorder that warrants treatment at some time in their life.
Depression can be a result of life circumstances, reaction to a specific incident or related to other chronic health conditions.
As well as feelings of sadness, poor concentration, indecision, social phobias or panic attacks, people often have other symptoms with anxiety or depression such as stomach or muscle pains, loss or change in appetite, sleep disturbances and fatigue.
The greatest benefit of massage for people with anxiety or depression is in relieving muscular tension, while helping to relax your whole body and mind.
While not a permanent solution, many people report feeling more relaxed after a massage treatment and have a better night's sleep.
By relieving spinal tension and unblocking neural pathways, Osteopathy can be useful for treating the symptoms of anxiety that occur in the digestive tract or bowel such as nausea and stomach pains as well as improving blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body.
Osteopathic treatment may include:
soft tissue massage to relieve muscle tension
gentle osteopathic joint mobilisation
crainial-sacral therapy
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
By treating the body as a whole, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can be beneficial in the treatment and management of anxiety and depression in conjunction with other therapies.
Your Acupuncturist will discuss the nature of your anxiety and emotional health and provide treatment to support your whole health and vitaility. Focus may be placed on any digestive or sleep disturbances that are caused by or contributing to your mental health.
Naturopathy & Nutrition
By working to calm and support the nervous system, improve digestion and the quality of your sleep, Naturopathy and Nutrition can play a vital support role in the treatment of anxiety, depression and mental health along with other therapies.
This is achieved by dietary changes and the use of nervine and digestive herbs.
Programs are developed for each individual's need and to work in conjunction with other medications.
With 18 years of clinical experience as an Osteopath, you are in safe hands with Dr.Anne-Marie Noble at our Richmond osteo clinic.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture is an ancient natural form of healing. It has been clinically proven to be an effective means of providing pain relief.
At Bodyactive Health, our aim is to offer you the best therapeutic and remedial massage in Richmond for all types of muscular pain and injury, or for when you just want to relax.